[ On Friday, July 13, 2001 at 13:58:39 (-0400), Noel L Yap wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: How well does CVS handle other types of data?
> Then I fail to see how, as you implied, Aegis will _prevent_ bug fix branches.

It doesn't prevent them.  It didn't really allow them originally
though.  It might avoid them.

> OK, so you are.  I think I see now.  You have one line of development for each
> of your binary files (possibly hundreds if you're developing a web site).  Each
> version of your install scripts know exactly which version of which binary files
> it needs.

Yes, that's more or less the pattern.  There's not a one-to-one
correspondence necessarily though.  A branch in the code doesn't imply a
branch in the binary files (though the converse might be true if we're
talking about image formats or object-only libraries of course).

>  It sounds pretty messy to me.

It's not messy at all for tools (eg. compiler versions) and object-only
libraries and related headers.  It's not bad for a few imgage files and
the like.  It might be messy for web sites that get branched a lot, but
isn't that an oxymoron?

                                                        Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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