Hello guys,

Are you all there 8-(.

I'd know if I am lost, I expose my problem.

Web developpment is very specific, compared to developpement like program
made witth C for exemple.

I'm explaining :
I retrieve some open source project which are managed themselves with cvs.

I'd like to make some developpement based on theses open source project.
But these developpements is like customization, there are not connected to
the main branch of the open source project that I retrieve.

What I want to do, is to use cvs to maintain my customisation history and to
keep some connection with the initial open source project, in case of some
useful fonctionnality for me.

I'd know how to manage these purpose technicaly ?, is it possible ?

I take note of a certain things when I submit the open source project to my
personnal cvs n when I retieve code n commit it with my update, my cvs try
to connect to distant cvs !!! ?
It was because of CVS directory wich are under some directories of the
initial source code.

Perhaps Here is the key of my objectives, that's to maintain two differents
directories wich kept information of status of my programs, for exemple
directory CVS -> my personnal n CVS 2 -> for checking difference with the
distant base program.
So I make a save of the old CVS directory for a futur update.

Is that a solution, what are u thinking of that ?

Another solution is to perhaps submit the original project to my cvs and
making a branch and to developp into that branch n when there is some
functionnality that I needed I try to merge with the original project ?
But Here is the question : Can I make locally a branch from a distant
project ?
Branch need admin rigths ?
Can I make a branch from a source code retrieved from a distant cvs
checkout, which caontain these CVSs directories (here the save of the
initial state) ?

I'm newbie with these wonderful tool called cvs, perhaps you could help to
make me better.

Thanks for advance.

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