-----Original Message-----
From: Bryon Lape [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>Ah, the typical Unix answer...."roll your own"... 

If you would prefer the typical non-Unix answer, please
send me a thousand dollars and I'll tell you the product
doesn't do that.  If you insist enough, for extra money I'll
provide a patch that makes you go through additional
hoops if you try anything similar.  For enough extra
money, I'll tell you it's a bug.  (I've had experience
dealing with commercial software support, and these
are synopses of true stories.  The names have been
omitted to protect the guilty.)

More seriously, if you would like somebody to write
a script such as was designed, you can probably hire
somebody to do it for far less than the cost of one
ClearCase seat.  You won't have to wait for the vendor
to decide to do it, or negotiate with the vendor so
you can pay an arm and a leg for the vendor to do it
closer to your schedule.


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