Ok, my second post went into the same thread as the first one, so I'm
posting this with a new subject.  Sorry folks.

I'm connecting to my CVS repository through SSH:

bash$export CVS_RSH=ssh
bash$export CVSROOT=:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/cvsroot
bash$cvs init
bash$cvs import . MyCompany MyRelease

but have problems commiting a file:

bash$cd shadow
bash$cvs checkout Main.java
bash$vi Main.java
bash$cvs commit
cvs commit: Examining .
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
sh: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth: No such file or directory
Checking in Main.java;
/opt/cvsroot/Main.java,v  <--  Main.java
Terminated with fatal signal 11
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsNRs2uE

Please help!
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