Hi all,

I'm all confused by permissions in the repository. First my problem:

I set up a repository on my linux box, and have people accessing it with
the pserver method (all folks accessing the server have accounts on the
box).  All was fine and dandy, until recently, when one of the remote
users added a directory to the project (using WinCVS, if that is
relevant). It seemed to work on his end, but none of the other users got
the new directory with an update. When I add a directory from a user
account on the same box running the CVS server, it is seen by everyone.

I took a look at the directory hierarchy, and noticed that each file was
owned by the user or added (or last updated?) it. I'm imagining that
that is the source of the problem. So my questions are:

How do I set this up so it works? (obviously the big question)

Why is CVS designed this way? I would expect that all the files put in
the repository by cvs would have the ownership and permissions set by
cvs, and so all be the same (the same as the user running cvs--root?)

I did follow suggestions in the docs, and create a cvs group, and add
all the users that access cvs to that group, but the files (and new
directories) get created with primary group of the creater (users),
rather than group cvs.

I have run Linux as a workstation for years, but have been the only user
on the system, so I have never had to deal with this kind of thing...
I'm pretty clueless.



Christopher Barker,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 ---           ---           ---
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