[ On Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 11:11:21 (+0530), Shubhabrata Sengupta wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: How to lock CVS for check-in
> At least in pserver access it is and I think it is also available in for
> local repository access as well. I am not sure about :ext: access though.
> I agree that its contents and its structure is entirely internal to CVS and
> may change without notice from one CVS release to another. I do not write
> anything into CVS/Entries at all - I use it to read the branch name of the
> file that is being committed. So that way there is very little danger of
> corrupting that file. Of course I make assumptions about the structure of
> the file and that may change from one CVS release to another - I am ready to
> change the regex I use to grep the branch name when that happens. The
> advantages I get from controlling access to branches through commitinfo
> script outweighs the risk in my case.

Then is it not better to improve the commitinfo interface so that access
to the raw CVS/Entries file is not necessary?

                                                        Greg A. Woods

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