David Taylor wrote:

> Don Weeks wrote:
> >
> >
> > I need to pass this info over to another system, perhaps the problem
> > reporting tool or the project management tool:
> >
> >       PR# 321 was solved by adding foo.c version 3.2.1 and foo.h version
> > 3.3.1. These now have the tag REL3.2 (This implies that if I checkout all
> > the files using tag REL3.2, I can build the entire product.)
> >
> Sometimes called "change sets".
> If the problem reporting tool is Bugzilla, then you may find cvszilla to be
> useful:
> http://homepages.kcbbs.gen.nz/~tonyg
> It contains a Perl script, that can be run from loginfo, that passes loginfo
> (name of file, old and new version, log message) to  the Bugzilla record for the
> bug cited in the log message.
> If you're not using Bugzilla, you still may want to view cvszilla as one example
> of interfacing CVS with a problem tracker.
> dtayl

Looks like the new tool CVSps may also provide what you need: its "patchset" ==
"change set". From http://www.cobite.com/cvsps/README :

"CVSps's output is information about patchsets.  A patchset looks like:

PatchSet 1701
Date: 2001/11/06 19:49:04
Author: joe
this release completes line summary find

   Makefile:> [v4_1-production-patches]
   apache_mod/lineSummary.C:> [v4_1-production-patches]
   apache_mod/tbill_sql.C:> [v4_1-production-patches]


This patchset is taken from an internal project.  It shows the date, the
author, log message and each file that was modified.  For each file the
pre-commit and post-commit revisions are given.  In this case, you can see
that the files are on a branch, and the branch tag is shown (for each
file) inside square brackets."


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