I receive the following when I try and commit the files I have locked.  I
have tried one at a time and all together.  I have also tried to update
before committing.

Checking in dtmf.c;
/prj/cvs/Firm/dtmf.c,v  <--  dtmf.c
cvs server: /prj/cvs/Firm/dtmf.c,v: multiple revisions locked by lp; please
specify one
cvs server: could not check in dtmf.c
cvs server: /prj/cvs/Firm/dtmf.c,v: multiple revisions locked by lp; please
specify one
cvs server: could not unlock /prj/cvs/Firm/dtmf.c,v

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

Any suggestions would be great.  Thanks!

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