This might be a really easy one for you all to help me whith, but I'm having
a small problem with addingfiles to a newly created cvs-project..

the CVS is installed as a pserver on a Suse Linux 7.2
cvs  version is 1.11

Im using jCVS on windows2000 machines as client..

I have successfully created new "projects/modules" in the cvs server using
and added files, etc and used it..

but now, with one of my modules, i cannot add files
all I get is

cvs server: nothing known about
The command encountered an error.
what? the file exist, it is not readonly, and the user have total access to
the file..

Also using ssh to login to the linux-server and looking at the directory
structur everything looks alright, the user belongs to the right group (cvs)
the group has rwx on the sub-directory and everything, so I cannot se that
it is a "rights" problem..

doing a "trace"  reveals  the following
S-> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
S-> unlink(CVS/Entries.Log)
cvs server: nothing known about

The command encountered an error.

Is there someway to get more information about what is wrong, debug-logging?
(more then trace)

I need help...

/Christian Andersson

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