"vincent_choplin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I work in a small but still growing company and we're beginning to 
>need something like CVS...

>[...]  Is it worth hiring a temp. or consultant to install and 
>teach us?

A consultant may be a good idea in such circumstances.  The trick is
to find a good one.  Where are you?  In France?  Zut, c'est un peu loin.

>would we have to stop working while we put CVS up or can one of us do 
>it while the others go on with the developpement?

Nah, don't stop.  When CVS is ready, import what you have and save
the original into prehistory.zip .

>Is it really better to use linux on the server or are the winNT 
>versions good enough?

If you have a Linux box you probably have CVS already.  If you only
know Windows or only have Windows machines, try www.cvsnt.org , it
might be the path of least resistance.

Pierre Asselin
Westminster, Colorado

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