Stuart Donaldson wrote:
> Is there anything else that can be done about the spam problem on info-cvs?

> This is really getting rediculous...

I got fed up, so on Saturday installed SpamAssassin in conjuction with
Vipul's Razor. It seems to work extremely well, and I suggest others to
do the same. I checked my 'caughtspam' folder (where all spam gets
filtered to after being defanged) this morning. Every spam message sent
to the list since Saturday was trapped.

I've installed SpamAssassin in my personal account via .procmailrc; it
can also be set up server wide... it would be nice if the mailing list
server people would install it to check Razor before  sending any
message. :-)

"SpamAssassin is a mail filter to identify spam. Using its rule base, it
uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text to
identify "spam", also known as unsolicited commercial email."  "The
spam-identification tactics used include: header analysis, text
analysis, blacklists, and Razor."

"Vipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative, spam detection and
filtering network. Razor establishes a distributed and constantly
catalogue of spam in propagation. This catalogue is used by clients to
filter out known spam. On receiving a spam, a Razor Reporting Agent (run
by an end-user or a troll box) calculates and submits a 20-character
unique identification of the spam (a SHA Digest) to its closest Razor
Catalogue Server. The Catalogue Server echos this signature to other
trusted servers after storing it in its database. Prior to manual
processing or transport-level reception, Razor Filtering Agents
and MTAs) check their incoming mail against a Catalogue Server and
out or deny transport in case of a signature match. Catalogued spam,
identified and reported by a Reporting Agent, can be blocked out by the
rest of the Filtering Agents on the network."



Wim Kerkhoff, Software Engineer
Merilus, Inc.  -|-

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