You get the error because you are trying to commit to the tag 'vuelto_multimoneda POS_Z'. If you need to modify seperately from the main trunk, you need to specify the tag as a branch cvs tag -b 'My_Tag'.
If you trying to modify on the main trunk, don't run the second command cvs checkout -P -r vuelto_multimoneda POS_Z .


"Federico Vaca ( Invel )" wrote:

I'm using wincvs , and y checkout my working copy of my project andget it ... 
*****CVS exited normally with code 0***** cvs checkout -P -r vuelto_multimoneda POS_Z After that , i modified a file , and when i try to make a commit , get : cvs commit -m "Commit del archivo bat, federico-." l.batcvs server: sticky tag `vuelto_multimoneda' for file `l.bat' is not a branch
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first! *****CVS exited normally with code 1*****  What can i do ? Atentamente,

Federico Vaca

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