Hello Larry:

Here is the un-altered version of the error

[rohit@helix temp]$ CVSROOT=":pserver:readroh@lipid:/usr/local/cvs-rep"
[rohit@helix temp]$ cvs login
(Logging in to readroh@lipid)
CVS password: 
Fatal error, aborting.
readroh: no such user
cvs login: authorization failed: server lipid rejected access

and I run Redhat 7.0. The /var/log/message does not show anything
and no error message. And I am not editing $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd
file directly in the repository directory. I first checkout the
file and then edit it before committing. 

Rohit Peyyeti

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: CVS setup help

| Rohit Peyyeti writes:
| > 
| > (Logging in to readroh@server)
| > CVS password:
| > Fatal error, aborting.
| > readroh: no such user
| > cvs login: authorization failed: server <servername> rejected access
| Please do not summarize or truncate error messages when you report them
| -- there are a number of similar messages and that makes it impossible
| to tell exactly which one you are getting.  Assuming your server is on a
| Unix-like system, there should be messages in your syslog that may help
| diagnose the problem.  It would appear that CVS is either not reading
| your passwd file or is not interpreting it correctly.  You are creating
| it, by hand, directly in the repository rather than trying to create it
| in a checked-out copy somewhere, right?  Also, what version of CVS are
| you running?
| -Larry Jones
| I won't eat any cereal that doesn't turn the milk purple. -- Calvin

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