> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:50 PM
> Subject: DIfferent workspace directories than repository...
> Hope I can get some help here...
> I've used CVS for awhile now, but I have never really had to deal with
> different workspace locations for repository directories.  But I
> actually need this now.  Here is an example of the repository layout I
> need :
> + myproject
>   |
>   + bin
>   |
>   + lib
>   |
>   + html
>   |
>   + src
>   |
>   + docs
Um, why do you need this specific layout in the repository?  It
seems to me that the structure of the repository should be
determined by the structure of what must be checked out.

(Not to mention that I'm always at least a bit suspicious about
CVS-controlled directories called "bin" and "lib".)

> Here is an example of the workspace layout I need :
> + /home/myhome
>   |
>   + mydirectory
>   | |
>   | + bin
>   | |
>   | + lib
>   |
>   + html
>   |
>   + src
>   |
>   + docs
> Is there anyway that I can map a CVS directory and assign it a
> specific workspace directory?  I'm really hoping I can do this,
> otherwise I may have to dump CVS in favor of another SCM tool.  And I
> really don't want to.  But this one is a show stopper.
CVS will use the identity map when checking out, but afterwards each
directory has its own metadata (in the CVS subdirectory) so that it
knows where it came from.  This means that it will retain the mapping
while you move the directories around on your own.  Therefore, if you
do something like "cvs co bin; mkdir mydirectory; mv bin mydirectory/"
you will still be able to do updates and checkins from mydirectory/bin.

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