--- "Greg A. Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you're dreaming about problems which should
> not exist.  I
> believe it was implied in the original post that all
> authorised students
> would implicitly be given permission to access the
> CVS server.  If one
> uses SSH this this means they will all have
> accounts.  Indeed this is
> one of the benefits of SSH -- students cannot
> authorised unauthorised
> users to use the server!  ;-)

Please stop trying to pick fights.

This was from the original post:

>I and some pals are installing CVS in a box to
>provide CVS repositories
>to students of our course. We are planning on doing
>something similar 
>to SourceForge[1]: every student having complete
>control over it's own
>repository and over the projects inside it, ie.,
>control on who can
>access what in his repository[4]. We also wanted for
>the repositories to be
>sowhat similar to public_html dirs: directories
>inside the user 
>that have its contents's size taken in account in the
>users filesystem

You may have inferred that "all authorised students
would implicitly be given permission to access the
CVS server,"  but no such thing was implied.  Indeed,
the original post left it open that students can grant
or deny access to other students and grant or deny
access to those not having system accounts.

My reply made no assumptions and was meant to cover
the bases in order to be most helpful to the poster.


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