On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 03:41:54PM +0100, Claudio Klingler wrote:
> i have some files imported into my cvs repository. These files name's do and
> should not end with the ",v" suffix. Unfortunately cvs ignores this files.

I think you mean that you have RCS files -- the kind that are
usually called foo,v -- but yours don't have the suffix; and that
you've manually moved them into the repository.  Is this correct?
If so...

> I want this files to be treated like the files ending with ",v". Does that
> work with cvs? Setting the RCSINIT environment variable to "-x/,v" does not
> have an effect with cvs.

I wouldn't expect CVS to recognize those files.  CVS doesn't have
an option corresponding to RCS's -x, let alone with that
spelling.  Nor does CVS honour RCSINIT.

Why do you need the revision files not to have ",v" suffixes?


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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One ring to rule the mall.
        - Movie review headline, eye Magazine

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