On 02-Feb-22 18:31, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> And what has been said about that for years now?  DON'T DO THAT!!!!

It's time to give that a second thought, IMHO.

> >  This involves several files every time a patch goes
> > out, if the project was reorganized since the code diverged.  This
> > phonomenon is much more common than you think.
> Maybe because of accidents, but that's something which is correctable.

Last release one output file was created by a simple C++ source. In the
current release I also have to put some data from ORACLE into the output.
I renamed the file from *.cpp to *.pc so that the make rules work OK.

So far I didn't have to merge a change. Maybe the last release was perfect
and I will never have. But it was not an accident. OK, I could create a
new .pc to store functions that the .cpp could call, but this is just
a way around the problem.

You don't want to admit that the problem does exist.


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