"Hanser, Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>My boss seems to think it would be a good idea to share our CVS root so we
>can easily browse it.  I don't think this is a good idea... can anyone give
>me the pro's or con's of doing this?

If it's read-only, there wouldn't be much harm...

>We have our cvs repository located on a linux box, and are using winCVS to
>do our checkouts/updates/commits, etc.  He wants to be able to browse the
>cvsroot so he can see the modules....  

If your modules file is well-maintained, There's "cvs checkout -c | more",
or "cvs checkout CVSROOT".  Recent versions of cvs have "cvs rlog",
which will tell you basically everything about a module, short of the
actual sources --you might want to pipe it into a script or two.

Pierre Asselin
Westminster, Colorado

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