"MAO,MARVIN (HP-SanDiego,ex1)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi Everyone,
> Has anyone had this kind of problem with WinCVS when checking in?
> cvs commit -m "no message" Driver.cpp (in directory
> L:\IDPrinting\VCD\R80-E\Source\oceania\HPDJ9x\)
> cvs commit: sticky tag `OEM_Driver_Release_1_0' for file `Driver.cpp' is not
> a branch
> cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
> *****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

This means you checked out a tag that is not a branch; something like

cvs checkout -r foo MyModule

You need to either checkout the main trunk:

cvs checkout MyModule

or create a branch tag, and check that out:

cvs tag -r foo -b branch_foo
cvs checkout -r branch_foo

Hmm, with WinCVS you have to put those command line args in the dialog
boxes somewhere; hope you can figure that out.

-- Stephe
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