Garvin Hicking wrote:
> I am using CVS NT (Local Build 27) for maintaining source control over my 
> Windows-Development-files.


> I get the following error:
> cvs [diff aborted]: (start_server internal error): unknown access method

Are you running cvs entirely on the windows machine, or do you have a
remote server? I haven't looked at the code very hard, but I don't think
start_server() should be called if you are using cvs in local mode.

What is your $CVSROOT environment variable set to?
What about the CVS/Root files in your working directory?

> I can, though, check out files with this revision and use WinDiff for comparing 
>those files. But I thought that would be builtin-CVS functionality, and it works on 
>my linux machines.

What about other commands that operate on the working directory, like
'cvs log'?


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