On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Cristiana R Sousa wrote:

> Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 14:54:54 -0300 (ART)
> From: Cristiana R Sousa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [info-cvs] Commit - help me!
> I modificated the file config of directory CVSROOT,

Is this CVSROOT a proper working copy of the CVSROOT administrative
module? Was it created by ``cvs checkout CVSROOT''?

> then I update this file like this:
>   cvs update
> and the prompt return to me:
>    cvs update: Updating
>    cvs update:  move a way config; it is in the way
CVS is telling you that a working copy of config doesn't exist. It is
trying to create a working copy, but a local file with the same
name, but different contents, exists.

For some reason, the file you edited was not considered to be a CVS
file.  You must have done something strange that you didn't mention,
like some unusual way of checking out CVSROOT, or perhaps corrupting
the local metadata in the CVS subdirectory, like CVS/Entries.
If you remove a file from CVS/Entries, then it's not considered
checked out; a subsequent update will report the ``it is in the way''

Here is one possible set of steps to reproduce your problem.

    cvs co CVSROOT
    cd CVSROOT
    vi config          # make some changes to this file
    vi CVS/Entries     # remove the entry for the config file;
                       # effectively, config is not locally known as
                       # a CVS versioned file any more.
    cvs up

One possible solution is to rename your file to a temporary name,
then update:

    mv config config.temp
    cvs up

Now manually transplant your changes from config.temp to config, and
commit. If nobody changed config in the meanwhile, you may just be
able to do:

    mv config.temp config
    cvs ci

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