I just started trying to work with some of the admin features in CVS; particularly with commitinfo.  I am trying to write a validation script which will compile code prior to allowing commits.  Running into some
            a) Where are the working copies of the file?
                The script is passed the path to the repositiory and the files to be committed.  Where
                do I find the working copies of the files?  THey don't seem to be put back into the repository.
                According to CVS documentation, they are accessible (but where).
            b) During the commit, the module dir is locked.
                From some other threads, noticed some others had this problem.  From the repository
                path, I parse out the module name.  I then try to check out the module for a test compile
                before allowing the commit.  The command hangs as the rep. is now locked.  Anyway around
                this (aside from removing the the lock files from the dir)?
Can anybody help?

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