> A better approach is to avoid XML entirely in the first place
> -- it's a
> really really horrid syntax with all kinds of goo that's usually way
> over-kill for the application, being SGML based and all that....

I agree that XML is overkill, but the truth is that it is here to stay.

XML is fastly becoming excepted as the defacto standard for data exchange.
Opto 22 makes machine control sensors / PLC that publishes data in XML.
Semen's is doing similar things from what I understand.  Java uses XML for
all of the enterprise application descriptors.  It seems that I can't
interface to machines, or program without looking at XML.

If CVS had away to use modular plug in "diff" and "merge" programs, we could
setup a wrapper file that would automatically diff/merge the file
differently based on the extension.  e.g.:

*.xml           xml_dm
*.html  html_dm

This way we could write our own diff programs without having to understand
all the complexities of tying into CVS code seamlessly.  Interfacing is much
easier.  We could even take the XML diff/merge programs that are already
available and just write wrappers for them.  No point in reinventing the
wheel here.


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