Eric Siegerman wrote:

>On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 01:42:44PM -0500, Joi Ellis wrote:
>>  find . -type f -name 'Root' | \
>>     xargs perl -pi.bak -e 's/localhost/some.hostname/'
>>I prefer using perl rather than a 'cp' because some of our modules
>>are nested and I don't trust the Root file to be identical all
>>through the tree.  Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.
we have a rule in our base Makefile that fiddles with the file - and 
this works only on CVS Root files.

.PHONY: fix_root
fix_root: CVS/Root
    if [ X`cat $<` = X$(OLD_ROOT) ]; then echo $(NEW_ROOT) > $<; fi

It's policy to have a Makefile that includes our base make file in every 

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