Greg A. Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [ On Monday, April 29, 2002 at 15:48:37 (-0500), Gilroy, Michael -AES
wrote: ]
> > Subject: File Locking with CVS
> >
> > My manager won't let me use CVS with concurrent versions of files.  I
> > to have the file locked when I edit the file (cvs edit) so that no one
> > can do a 'cvs edit' until I either do a 'cvs unedit' or a 'cvs commit'.
> > This would be similar to the way SCCS and RCS work.
> Yes, it is.  Perhaps you should be using SCCS or RCS instead of trying
> to use the Concurrent Versions System.
I disagree. Take it one step at a time. Import the files. Do a cvs admin -L
on all of them. Make sure everyone does cvs checkout -l. Once they get
comfortable with sandboxes, start cvs admin -U some of the files, especially
those you work on. That is what I am doing. I have set up locking for those
who want it. I don't. I talk it up all the time. They'll come around.

> >  However, I also need
> > some of the advanced features that only CVS can provide.
> There are litterally dozens of front-ends available for RCS (and some
> for SCCS) that may provide all or most of the "advanced" features you
> claim you need.  Perhaps you should investigate using one of those other
> front-ends with RCS (or SCCS).
> --
> Greg A. Woods
> +1 416 218-0098;  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird

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