Oh, that sounds nasty - is it a case issue with using WinCVS? 
I can't imagine you would get case issues on a Unix client....
We get directory issues with lower case getting converted to 
all caps frequently while using WinCVS back to a Linux server.

I sure hope all the log fixes & syntax changes are in 1.11.2 and 
that the News file just didn't include those details!  The exclusive
revision ranges for log ::, is listed as going into 1.11.1


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Herrmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 7:24 PM
To: CVS Mailing List
Subject: RE: can't add file to branch, not permissions problem

argh! the one on the branch was build.bat and the other on the mainline

i mean, it's crazy trying to have files differentiated only by case in a
repo, but it would really help if there was a message telling me I was
to do something stupid. I got this:

RCS file: /public/Development/CVS/rotorgene/main/Attic/build.bat,v
cvs [server aborted]: received abort signal
cvs: commit.c:2044: checkaddfile: Assertion `*rcsnode == ((void *)0)'
cvs commit: saving log message in C:\DOCUME~1\matthew\LOCALS~1\Temp\20

and now I actually remember getting this problem before, not that the
message jogged my memory :(

-- matthew

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Herrmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 10 May 2002 11:51
To: CVS Mailing List
Subject: can't add file to branch, not permissions problem

hi all,

i'm getting an error trying to commit a new file on a branch. i'm using
1.11.p1 with client/server (win2k client, redhat linux server).

checked out a fresh copy of the data:

>cvs add build.bat
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently

>cvs commit
cvs server: cannot lock
cvs commit: saving log message in C:\DOCUME~1\matthew\LOCALS~1\Temp\17

now i checked the directory and there are no lock files, and I can touch
new file in the repo's dir, so i can't see the permissions being an

any ideas?

also, is the newly released version 1.12 what _was_ the dev version
about 2
months ago, or have they made a new minimal patch? On the website it
shows 4 things or so that have changed, or is that just a summary? (ie
it have the fixed log "::" command and the fixed rlog over branches?)


Matthew Herrmann
Far Edge Technology
Level 11, 80 Mount St
North Sydney NSW 2060

Ph: 02 9955 3640
Mob: 0404 852 537

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