Hello friends,
I have installed cvs "1.11.1p1 (client/server)" on RH Linux 7.1.
Everything everything went fine while installing. In order consider
Backup I created a user called "cvs" and made his home directory as
Repository.So CVSROOT=/home/cvs.

Now under single repository I have created several modules. For
controlling access to several users I decided to use Linux OS ACLs. For
that I created a group called "writers" and added all users to that
group who needs full access over that.

To CVSROOT, I have made this group as the owner and for rest all given
read-only permission.
The peoblem is whenever a group member is checking-into  module inside
the CVSROOT it says,
"Cannot access /home/cvs/CVSROOT
Permission denied".

Also for other users who have read permission, it gives the same error
when they try to update.

For cvs to locks, added the line "LockDir=/var/lock/cvs"  to
$CVSROOT/config and this folder has full accessto all(777). I am using
pserver mode and passwd file in CVSROOT points to /etc/passwd.

Can you give some hints on how to resolve this problem.


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