that is not working either,
is there any difference between
    cvs -d$CVSROOT login
and that what i was doing before...
    cvs -d login
when $CVSROOT is /home ?? i think thats the is same ...

so that couldnt solve my problem, i am still clueless :-(

At Saturday 07:57 25.05.2002 -0400, you wrote:

>  It should be
>cvs -d$CVSROOT login
>export CVSROOT=complete path to cvs repo
>should be valid path to repository on the host machine having the repo.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: lectrix
>Sent: 5/25/2002 3:40 AM
>Subject: cvs pserver login problem
>i am reposting this since i forgot to fill in the subject field last
>keep hoping someone can give me a hint on this:
>i am experiencing a problem with setting up cvs pserver. i followed the
>instruction in the manual and configured xinetd so that it starts cvs
>pserver on port 2401 successfully ( i tested with telnet). but when i am
>trying to connect, syslog says: "www xinetd[26206]: START: cvspserver
>pid=26228 from=$IP... www xinetd[26228]: FAIL: cvspserver address
>and on client side i only get "cvs [login aborted]: reading from server:
>Connection reset by peer", i checked everything mentioned in the manual
>couldnt find the error...
>here is my login command:
>lectrix@symbion lectrix $ cvs -d login
>Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2401/home
>CVS password:
>cvs [login aborted]: reading from server: Connection reset by peer
>and CVSROOT ist
>lectrix@symbion lectrix $ echo $CVSROOT
>i heard of some reverse lookup problems, but i can do reverse lookup on
>system by simply doing "host IP", that should be it?!
>can somebody help please?
>thanx. stefan.
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