Title: How do I obtain a log of all changes in the repository that occurred between two tags ?

How do I obtain a log of all changes in the repository that occurred between two tags ?

The command 'cvs log -rTAG1 -rTAG2' doesn't do what I'm looking for because it outputs
log information for files that were added after TAG2 was applied and that were
removed before TAG1 was applied.

I've searched the archive of this list and I've read the book by Fogel
and couldn't find an answer.

Whenever we have a successful build that passes the regression tests we tag all
the files with 'cvs rtag TAGn'. Later I want to obtain a log of the all the changes
between two successful build and test tags.

If I use 'cvs log -rTAG1 -rTAG2', then for files that do not have both
TAG1 and TAG2, a warning is printed and the log information for that file is
included in the output.

The warnings look like this

cvs server: warning: no revision `TAG1' in `FILE,v'

The problem is that I don't want the log information for files that were added after
TAG2 or that were removed before TAG1. However, log information for those files is
included in the output. (There are other cases for which the desired output easily follows).

If DATE1 and DATE2 are the dates on which TAG1 and TAG2 were applied, then I think that
'cvs log -d"DATE1<DATE2"' would produce the output I'm looking for.

Thanks for any help.


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