Title: [OT] RE: [Fwd: CVS, Cygwin, IDE and Emacs]

>       I do my major editing with Emacs, or else I wouldn't be having this problem.
> TICC canonicalizes line ends, while Emacs doesn't and can't be forced to
> (according to my reading of the docs, YMMV).

OT: - emacs "does the right thing!" -

- when creating a new file it uses the line ending convention of the host
- when modifying an existing file it accepts and preserves whatever line
  ending convention the file already has

If all programs obeyed these simple rules we'd be living in a more perfect world.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Ayers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 7:14 PM
To: Peter Ring
Subject: Re: [Fwd: CVS, Cygwin, IDE and Emacs]

Peter Ring wrote:
> Which Windows IDE is it?

        TI's Code Composer.  It's an MSVC clone for DSP development.

> Emacsen (gnu or X, any platform) are pretty agnostic (ie: accommodating)
> wrt. line-ends. A shame some people never get to like emacs; there's also
> this very nice VC mode specifically for CVS, pcl-cvs, which is my primary
> GUI interface to CVS.

        I do my major editing with Emacs, or else I wouldn't be having this problem.
TICC canonicalizes line ends, while Emacs doesn't and can't be forced to
(according to my reading of the docs, YMMV).

> On Windows, I use also the command line (cygwin) and occasionally WinCVS,
> TortoiseCVS, tkcvs, or jCVS.

        Oy!  I'm using Cygwin and also have a copy of WinCVS, which I'd use if I could
find the manual.

> WinCVS can be told to behave globally (per installation) to treat 'text'
> Unix-style or DOS-style. For me, this setting depends on which other CVS
> clients must be used in sandboxes on that machine, since CVS clients are
> rather unforgiving about the administrative files (in CVS subdirs in the
> sandbox).

        The problem here is that Unix line ends are on checkin comments are being left
as-is when added to DOS line end files.  I'm handling this by deleting all
in-file logs, as often suggested.

> TortoiseCVS is becomming popular, I guess mainly because it's easy to get
> going for users that loathe command lines, and it's easy on the CVS admin
> wrt. support because it's 'just there' where people need it (it works as a
> shell extension to Explorer), and comes with a ssh client integrated. But
> text files (the administrative files, actually) must be DOS style for
> TortoiseCVS to work.

        Then I'll avoid it, if only because I think that hex dumping files I can't
understand to parse their line ends just shouldn't be necessary.


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