Jayashree wrote:
> Hello,
> When I try to checkout a directory from the repository,I get this error
> msg -
> cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/home/test): No such file or directory
> Why does it need a directory under /home?
> What configuration am I missing in xinetd.d/cvspserver file?
> Can somebody help me ASAP!
> Regards
> Jayashree

In my system CVS is working fine. But I donot have cvspserver in
xinetd.d. I have the following as art of my /etc/xinetd.conf.
service cvspserver
        port             =  2401
        socket_type      =  stream
        protocol         =  tcp
        wait             =  no
        user             =  root
        passenv          =
        server           =  /path/to/CVS/server
        server_args      =  --allow-root=/home/cvs -f pserver
        env              =  HOME=/path/to/cvsroot
        log              =  /var/log/cvslog

This _may_ help.


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