Then only work around at this point I can think of is, to create a "branch" project in 
the modules file that contains the original project listing at branch time.  What do 
you think?

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 10:26 AM
To: Applegate, JoAnne
Subject: Re: branch tags and CVSROOT/modules file

Applegate, JoAnne writes [using very long lines]:
> If I create a branch tag on my modules file (and or the CVSROOT dir)
> and then issue "cvs co BRANCH_TAG MODULE_NAME" what is the behavior of
> cvs?  Does it look at BRANCH_TAG first and find the correct flavor of
> the module file/CVSROOT directory to use?  Or does it use the current
> module/CVSROOT directory?

Unfortunately, it always uses the current modules file.

-Larry Jones

In a minute, you and I are going to settle this out of doors. -- Calvin

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