Your password isn't saved there, nor is the access method.
it just tracks the server/directories.  You might already 
have more info stored in your environment variables, if you
tend to use just a single single repository all of the time.

Obscurity isn't security, so if you choose to make sure 
that your repository location is not know, you should also
know that it WON'T be any safer by trying to hide them.
Security is maintained via authentication and access control.

Actually, you might be more concerned with the existence of
the $HOME/.cvspass file (or whatever it's called), because 
that actually does store passwords for repositories.  I think
it only applies to pserver access, where you login to the cvs
server to get access.


Mike Ayers wrote
> Larry Jones wrote:
>  > When you check out a directory, CVS remembers the CVSROOT and uses it
>  > for all subsequent operations in that directory.  (This makes life much
>  > simpler for those of us who use multiple repositories.)  What you need
>  > to do is to edit that saved CVSROOT (in CVS/Root) to have the correct
>  > username.
>       Is this generally safe?  Is it possible to delete CVS/* in a directory and do 
> `cvs update -d [CVSROOT]` to redirect CVSROOT?
> /|/|ike
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