Johnny John wrote:

> Hello:
> Should I not be able to update my working copy of a file by doing 
> something as follows?
> cvs update -j HEAD:"2002-07-17 12:00" -j HEAD:"2002-07-19 12:00"
> to get changes between July 17 and July 19 placed into my local 
> working copy?
> I tried it, and nothing was patched.
> thanks.
> -Johnny.

 From <>:

 > `HEAD' refers to the most recent version available in the repository

In other words, it's a static tag, the most recent version on the trunk, 
not the trunk itself as a branch.  There isn't a trunk tag, but if you 
use dates to tag the trunk at the two times you mentioned, you should be 
able to get what you were trying to.




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