Fredrik Svensson writes:
> While importing the import crashed with "no space left on device"
> What should I do now to save the situation ?

After fixing the space problem, just do exactly the same import again --
CVS will essentially pick up where it left off.

> If I have to move the cvs tree (I did not set it up on this device)
> what do I have to think about ?

If you can move it without changing its full path and without using
symbolic links, the move will be completely transparent.  If you keep
the path the same by using symbolic links, most things will work fine
but eventually you'll probably run into problems with things that don't.
If you change the path, then everyone who has stuff checked out will
either have to abandon it and do fresh checkouts or else they will have
to edit their CVS/Root files to point to the new location.

-Larry Jones

It COULD'VE happened by accident! -- Calvin

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