AFIAK the issue is not with where the working copy is stored, as long as
you are the only one accessing the working copy.  The issue is where the
repository is stored/accessed from.  Replacing the CVS protocol that's
using pserver in your diagram with a local protocol accessing the
repository via smb is bad, ie:
-------------------              --------------
|Linux CVS        |              |Windows     |
|Server           |              |Workstation |
| --------------- |              |            |
| |       | C P | |              | ---------- |
| | Repo  | V S | |              | | WinCVS | |
| |       | S E | |     protocol-->| Client | |
| |       |   R | |     |        | ----^----- |
| |       |   V | |     C        |     |      |
| |       |   E | |     V        | ----v----- |
| |       |   R | |     S        | | Mapped | |
| --------------- |     -:local:-->| Drive  | |
| |       | S S | |              | ----^----- |
| | Work  | M H | |              |     |      |
| | Dir   | B A |<--SMB protocol--------      |
| |       |   R | |              |            |
| |       |   E | |              --------------
| --------------- |

in other words your CVSROOT shouldn't be:
if M is a mounted share.
it needs to use pserver, gserver, ssh, rsh, or some other remote


On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 19:28, Alan Dayley wrote:
> This discussion is interesting to me because of the way we are setting up 
> our CVS and working directories to function.  I hope the diagrams draw nice 
> for everyone.
> 1. I have been told that the following setup will lead to corruption 
> because of esoteric problems in SMB that CVS can bring out:
> -------------------              --------------
> |Linux CVS        |              |Windows     |
> |Server           |              |Workstation |
> | --------------- |              |            |
> | |       | C P | |              | ---------- |
> | | Repo  | V S | |              | | WinCVS | |
> | |       | S E |<--CVS protocol-->| Client | |
> | |       |   R | |              | ----^----- |
> | |       |   V | |              |     |      |
> | |       |   E | |              | ----v----- |
> | |       |   R | |              | | Mapped | |
> | --------------- |              | | Drive  | |
> | |       | S S | |              | ----^----- |
> | | Work  | M H | |              |     |      |
> | | Dir   | B A |<--SMB protocol--------      |
> | |       |   R | |              |            |
> | |       |   E | |              --------------
> | --------------- |
> -------------------
> Fine.  Won't do that.
> 2. Is this setup any better or does it still have the SMB issues?
> -------------------              --------------
> |Linux CVS        |              |Windows     |
> |Server           |              |Workstation |
> | --------------- |              |            |
> | |       | C P | |              | ---------- |
> | | Repo  | V S | |              | | WinCVS | |
> | |       | S E |<--CVS protocol-->| Client | |
> | |       |   R | |              | ----^----- |
> | |       |   V | |              |     |      |
> | |       |   E | |              | ----v----- |
> | |       |   R | |              | | Mapped | |
> | --------------- |              | | Drive  | |
> -------------------              | ----^----- |
>                                   ------|-------
> -------------------                    |
> | Linux or Win    |                    |
> | File Server     |                    |
> | --------------- |                    |
> | |       | S S | |                    |
> | | Work  | M H | |                    |
> | | Dir   | B A |<--SMB protocol--------
> | |       |   R | |
> | |       |   E | |
> | --------------- |
> -------------------
> 3. So the only reliable operation is to have the working directory on a 
> locally mounted file system?
> -------------------              --------------
> |Linux CVS        |              |Windows     |
> |Server           |              |Workstation |
> | --------------- |              |            |
> | |       | C P | |              | ---------- |
> | | Repo  | V S | |              | | WinCVS | |
> | |       | S E |<--CVS protocol-->| Client | |
> | |       |   R | |              | ----^----- |
> | |       |   V | |              |     |      |
> | |       |   E | |              | ----v----- |
> | |       |   R | |              | | Work   | |
> | --------------- |              | | Dir    | |
> -------------------              | ---------- |
>                                   --------------
> Alan
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