> I want to backup single module in cvs(not whole repository) and restore
> whenever I want with version information.
> Can you please brief me about how to do that.

I think tar will do basically what you want:

# backup:
$ cd /usr/local/cvsroot                 ; # or wherever your repository is
$ tar zcvf ~/module_2002-09-23.tgz module

# restore
$ cd /usr/local/cvsroot                 ; # or wherever your repository is
$ tar zxvf ~/module_2002-09-23.tgz

Note, however, that generally you shouldn't have to do this.  The point of
CVS is to allow you to rollback your code to the old version/timestamp by
using "cvs update [-r|-D]".

Using manual timestamped backups as your rollback procedure pretty much
obviates the use of CVS in the first place.  In that case, simply tell your
developers that "our CM process is tar".

But hey, you could have a great project logo...

               .-'(/ '-.
              /    `    \
             /  -     -  \
            (`  a     a  `)
             \     ^     /
              '. '---' .'
             /           \
            /  / '   ' \  \
          _/  /|       |\  \_
         `/|\` |+++++++|`/|\`
    __________/\       /\____
   /   \      | `-._.-` |    \
  |     | ~-~ \   / \   /     |
  | (.) |     |_ |   | _|     |
  |     |     | _|   |_ | -~- |

  "Don't `touch` me, I'm sticky!"

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