>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Helmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Rob> We looked at VCS::Cvs for inclusion into SandWeb, and realized the same
  Rob> thing, so we wrote our own abstracted Perl CVS class (
  Rob> SandWeb::Repository::cvs ).

  Rob> If you want to check it out, I'd reccommend getting the CVS version -
  Rob> http://sandweb.sf.net

Thanks, I took a look at it.  It doesn't look quite like what I
want.  I am thinking of an API in which the managed CVS files are
individual objects which you can manipulate.  Along the same
lines as in VCS::Cvs.  The benefit I see to this approach is
better handling of unusual cases.  How do you handle error and
unusual cases?


Touch Bowler, then choose insertion point.
                                    -- Software at the local bowling alley.

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