> Patrick Malaison writes:
> My goal is to set it up as a remote CVS server. How's the security using 
> pserver, what is the best client giving the fact that I will have a 
> multi-OS user bed?

As has been said, ssh rocks.

The other part of your question doesn't make a lot of sense, if you think
about it.

     "What's the best language to use, given that
      I will have an international user bed?"

Obviously, the "best" client will depend on what OS the user is using.
*You* can use whatever client you want.

Also, "best" client depends on the what the user likes.  Power-users will
probably find the command-line cvs clients available for Linux, FreeBSD,
Cygwin, OS-X, etc perfectly servicable.  Others may feel drawn to the GUI
clients made for most platforms.  Web clients exist that run on every
platform that runs a browser.  "Best" isn't much criteria to go by...they
*all* work.

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