Paul Sander wrote:
> Take a look at the rinfo and lmerge programs at
> They're not a complete solution to your problem, but they get you a lot
> closer to it.
> --- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Has anyone been tasked to make release notes out of the history log
> file?
> I was wondering if there is a perl script or anything out there that
> will make the history file more organized.  Right now the history log
> file is 10mb and has many duplicate commit comments
> --- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

along the same lines as rinfo, cvs2cl will make a change log from the history
and checkin comments.  Note that cvs2cl attempts to make one entry for each
commit, so if you checkin 100 files with one cvs commit, cvs2cl will give you 1
entry in the log.

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