   We have two repositories which need to be merged in to a single  
   But i would like to retain the logs, tags and other info contained by
   both database.
   Is this possible ?
   Any help is welcome.
   I have tried to explain the problem in brief here.
 We have database CVS/project1 which contain may sub dir's which has been
 used by many people for about two years and is having version no's
 running into 1.100 + and has been tagged with about 50 + tags for
 various bug fixes & releases.
 We have CVS/project2 which is relatively new , has many sub dir's,     
 has been used for about a year, is having about 10 tags, and revisions
 of various files running in to 1.20 +.
 now our problem is to merge these two projects 1 & 2 in to project.
 CVS/project which is a super set of project1 & project2.
 is it possible to create CVS/project with out loss of the two years of
 log & old tags.
 Thanks in advance,

PS:  I had sent the same mail from my new mail id ( non member id by mistake),
 in case that message gets posted please ignore it. sorry for the inconvenience 

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