Mike Ayers writes:
>       You are thinking of text mode mounts.  That has been mentioned a few 
> times here, as have a few other prospects for cooperative behavior, 
> but I have never seen a report of anyone successfully configuring a 
> system in which Cygwin CVS and a Windows style CVS were able to work 
> on the same repository.  Until we do get confirmation (and 
> instructions), I think it is best to say that it hasn't been done and 
> possibly can't be done.  I just want people to understand that, if 
> they want to try to make it happen, they're in for a very bumpy ride.

I don't think so -- I'm talking about when you install Cygwin stuff, on
the "Select Root Install Directory" screen, there's a "Default Text File
Type" check-box that allows you to select "DOS" or "Unix".  Provided you
select "DOS", the Cygwin cvs interoperates just fine with WinCVS.

-Larry Jones

Yep, we'd probably be dead by now if it wasn't for Twinkies. -- Calvin

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