"Matthew Herrmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> hi everyone,
> just thought i'd let people know, i'm doing some work on a definitive
> solution to the whole "cvs doesn't handle rolling back commits easily", "cvs
> can't tag files with the same log message", etc. problem.
> here's the idea:
> step 1) cvs2cl --xml generates XML output
> step 2) XSLT stylesheet converts changelog to cvs scripts for performing
> basic operations, like cvs up -jr1 -jr2.

Another idea:

  step 1) cvs2cl --lisp generates Lisp output
  step 2) Lisp program has field day with it

Of course, that requires:

  step 0) http://users.footprints.net/~kaz/cvs2cl-lisp.diff

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