Johnny John writes:
> When I do a cvs status, I obtain the following.  Query: why is the status 
> different for the two?
> ===================================================================
> File: no file file1.s                Status: Needs Checkout
>     Working revision:    No entry for file1.s
>     Repository revision: 1.30    /repository_path/Attic/file1.s,v
> ===================================================================
> File: no file file2.m                Status: Up-to-date
>     Working revision:    No entry for file2.m
>     Repository revision: 1.3     /repository_path/Attic/file2.m,v

What does "cvs log -r HEAD" say about the files?  My guess is that the
first has a state other than "dead", probably caused by an incomplete
resurrection attempt, whereas the second is truly dead.

-Larry Jones

Your bangs do a good job of covering up the lobotomy stitches. -- Calvin

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