Also, this sequence works too...
$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea4 -N mod1/file3
$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea4 -N file1
$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea4 file2

Work Area State:  File:     Module/file:
new               -d        -d (-N)
old               -d (-N)   -d -N

Here are each of the cases laid out (oh, I'm on solaris using 1.11.2

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea1 -N file1
cvs checkout: existing repository /BBROOT0/CVSROOT/Emptydir does not 
match /BBROOT0
cvs checkout: ignoring module file1

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea2 file1
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea2/file1

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea3 -N mod1/file3
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea3/mod1/file3

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea4 mod1/file3
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea4/file3

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea5 file2
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea5/file2
$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea5 -N file1
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea5/./file1

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea6 file2
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea6/file2
$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea6 file1
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea6/file1

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea7 file2
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea7/file2
$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea7 -N mod1/file3
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea7/mod1/file3

$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea8 file2
U /home/cthart/work/WorkArea8/file2
$ cvs checkout -d WorkArea8 mod1/file3
cvs checkout: existing repository /BBROOT0 does not match 
cvs checkout: ignoring module mod1/file3


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