Tomas Sanchez Romani wrote:
So far I got two suggestions:

1) CVSROOT=:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gforge

trying this (credit to Tom Copeland) a cmd-window opens executing cvs.exe and keeps me waiting, and waiting, and waiting... seems that nothing happens.

2) cvs -z3 -d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/webcvs co -d c:/apache/htdocs/cage-web/ cvs

trying this (credit to Alex Pop) results in:
cvs checkout: warning: unrecognized response `Unable to open connection:
' from cvs server
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

So, it seems that I'm stuck!

If nothing gets working soon, I'm considering to uninstall the environment (cvs and ssh) and restart, If I do that, what do you recommend (I'm on a W2K-box - which will _not_ change!).

It sounds like you're failing to make an ssh connection... can you ssh to your account?

If you're new to cvs and plan to run Windows 2000, I always recommend TortoiseCVS ( It's very easy to setup and use.



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