Hi all,


I have built a program to check commit and have people provide an acceptance code when they commit there modification.


To do so, I am using user variable in the commitinfo file to pass the extra information. Here is the line I have in my commitinfo.


DEFAULT /serv/CVSROOT/commitcheck -a${=COMMITCODE}


If the variable is defined (in .cvsrc or command line), everything works very well. However, if the variable is undefined, the program doesn't get call, but commit is allowed anyway.


This is real problem for me as people are exploiting that flaw to bypass the commit security.


Is there a way to ensure my program is call even is the variable is undefined?


Any help will be appreciated!




Sylvain Lemieux, ing.

PCI Geomatics Inc. (The french connection)

On ne peut tomber que si l'on essaie de marcher

Every rain cloud has a silver lining


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