Sorry about that. Here's the first few lines of output for the where
command within dbx. The final 10 lines are repeated ad nauseum after

catopen.expand_catname(0xf0b12078, 0x1, 0x0) at 0xd01895b0
catopen.catopen(??, ??) at 0xd018a474
assert.__assert(??, ??, ??) at 0xd02257e8
buffer.stdio_buffer_shutdown(0x2002d728), line 1384 in "buffer.c"
buffer.buf_shutdown(0x2002d728), line 1207 in "buffer.c"
server.server_cleanup(0x0), line 4885 in "server.c"
error.error_exit(), line 71 in "error.c"
error.error(0x1, 0x0, 0x20000934, 0x200006f8, 0x1001b514, 0xd0b2,
0xe6009b00, 0x2ff3af50), line 212 in "error.c"
main.main_cleanup(sig = 6), line 389 in "main.c"
sighandle.SIG_handle(0x6), line 158 in "sighandle.c"
abort.abort() at 0xd017f294
assert.__assert(??, ??, ??) at 0xd02259fc
buffer.stdio_buffer_shutdown(0x2002d728), line 1384 in "buffer.c"
buffer.buf_shutdown(0x2002d728), line 1207 in "buffer.c"
server.server_cleanup(0x0), line 4885 in "server.c"
error.error_exit(), line 71 in "error.c"
error.error(0x1, 0x0, 0x20000934, 0x200006f8, 0x1001b514, 0xd0b2,
0xe6009b00, 0x2ff3af50), line 212 in "error.c"
main.main_cleanup(sig = 6), line 389 in "main.c"
sighandle.SIG_handle(0x6), line 158 in "sighandle.c"
abort.abort() at 0xd017f294
assert.__assert(??, ??, ??) at 0xd02259fc

Mark Chojnacki

                    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones)                                    
                    Sent by:                                    To:     [EMAIL 
                    info-cvs-bounces+mchojnacki=symcor.c        cc:     [EMAIL 
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  Subject:     
Re: pserver core dumps on WinCVS login                       
                    02/26/03 05:57 PM                                                  

> OK. Here's what I get from dbx:
> $ dbx /usr/local/bin/cvs core
> Type 'help' for help.
> reading symbolic information ...
> [using memory image in core]
> Segmentation fault in expand_catname at 0xd01895b0 ($t1)
> 0xd01895b0 (expand_catname+0x18) 9421f780       stwu   r1,-2176(r1)
> (dbx)

That's nice, but it's not a traceback.  As I recall, the dbx command to
get a traceback is "where", but check the man page to be sure.

-Larry Jones

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. -- Calvin

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