I don't have much experience with DBs, but best practices for binary
files on CVS are fairly straight forward:

CVS will maintain separate copies (within it's one repository file) of
each version of a binary file.  If you have many revisions or large
binary files you will chew up lots of disk space.  You also have no diff
or merge capabilities with binary files.

If it is possible to keep the text for a procedure around for CVS, do it.
 It adds a lot of additional capabilities, like when you ask yourself,
when did I change that and why?  Or, gee, what did I change to break

Coding without CVS is like walking a tightrope without a net.  Sure, you
might be skilled enough to do it, but for how long before your a splat on
the floor.

--- Daniel Hurtubise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. The replies I received to date have been very helpful, thanks.
> I have a follow up question.
> What do people typically do with stored procedures?
> Or rephrased, do you save the stored procedures to a file and then
> check it
> into CVS, or do you simply do a backup as I described in my previous
> email?
> Basically, I'm hunting for best practice, having no previous experience
> in
> this area.
> Thanks in advance for your valued wisdom.
> Daniel.
> On 3/10/03 11:21, "Sherzod Ruzmetov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   : Has anybody checked in a database backup into CVS? I know
> >   : this may sound
> >   : odd, but I was thinking of taking a snapshot of my SQL
> >   : Server database in a
> >   : empty data state and then checking it into CVS.
> > 
> > 
> > I do a similar thing, but I keep ONLY table schemas, since I never
> > felt need to Version-Control the whole database. But if you
> > have a reason for doing so, and if you think CVS can help you
> > with it, give it a shot, and let the list know.
> > 
> >   : Will there be any issues with checking that backup out of
> >   : CVS and restoring
> >   : a new database from it?
> > 
> > No, there will not be, as long as your database backup is a
> text/plain
> > file (similar to the output of "mysqldump" utility), which makes more
> > sense.
> > 
> > sherzod
> > 
> > 
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