Aju writes:
> At present, I have created a single user 'cvs' which
> can connect to the server. However, I would want
> multiple users to connect to the CVS repository. What
> do I do to achieve this?

You add additional users to the machine or the CVSROOT/passwd file and
set the permissions on your repository directories appropriately.

> Also, I would like some of the folders in the CVS
> repository to be unavailable to some of these users. I
> understand that this has something to do with groups
> and permissions to be set up on the Linux box, but
> since I am new to this, I am not able to figure it
> out.

Learn how Unix/Linux permissions work, then read the section of the CVS
manual on permissions.

-Larry Jones

My upbringing is filled with inconsistent messages. -- Calvin

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